Most juices are standardized at 21% sugar.

All “Reds” are hot-pressed for the best color.

Our Hot-Pack is a 5-gallon container of juice that is gently heated and sealed so that it will not ferment until the seal is broken. All Hot-Packs come with an instructional pamphlet, yeast, and yeast nutrient.
Use the “SHOP” tab to place Hot-Pack orders by 10 a.m. Mon-Sat for same-day pick up between 1-5 p.m.
Closed Sunday.


If you are a business, please contact us 716-679-1292 x1010 to schedule your pick-up window.



VARIETY per Gallon 5 Gal. Hot-Pack
Baco $9.15 $60.50
Cabernet Sauvignon $16.00 $96.50
Chambourcin Hot-Pack Only $76.75
Chancellor Hot-Pack Only $58.00
Concord $6.15 $44.75
Corot Noir Hot-Pack Only $61.25
Dechaunac  $9.65 $63.25
Foch $9.15 $60.50
Fredonia $6.25 $45.25
Frontenac Hot-Pack Only $59.25
Ives Hot-Pack Only $73.50 limited
Late Harvest Concord Hot-Pack Only $80.75
Leon Millot Hot-Pack Only $60.25
Marquette Hot-Pack Only $68.75
Merlot $16.00 $96.50
Noiret Hot-Pack Only $65.00
Pinot Noir Hot-Pack Only $96.50
Rougeon $8.60 $57.75
Sangiovese Hot-Pack Only $91.25
Shiraz Hot-Pack Only $96.50


VARIETY per Gallon 5 Gal. Hot-Pack
Aromella Hot-Pack Only $73.25
Aurora Hot-Pack Only $62.50
Brianna Hot-Pack Only $63.00
Catawba $6.25 $45.25
Cayuga $9.85 $64.25
Chardonnay $14.50 $88.75
Delaware Hot-Pack Only $61.25
Diamond $9.70 $61.50
Edelweiss Hot-Pack Only $63.25
Frontenac Gris Hot-Pack Only $65.75
Geisenheim Hot-Pack Only $66.75
Gewurztraminer $14.60 $89.25
Isabella (Pink) $9.00 $59.75
La Crescent Hot-Pack Only $68.25
Niagara $6.15 $44.75
Orange Muscat Hot-Pack Only $89.75
Pinot Gris $14.50 $88.75
Riesling $13.05 $81.00
Sauvignon Blanc Hot-Pack Only $92.25
Seyval Hot-Pack Only $61.00
Steuben (Pink) $8.75 $58.50
Traminette Hot-Pack Only $64.25
Valvin Muscat Hot-Pack Only $90.00
Vidal Hot-Pack Only $61.00
Vignoles Hot-Pack Only $68.75


VARIETY per Gallon 5 Gal. Hot-Pack
Apple (Hard) Cider Hot-Pack Only $52.50
Blackberry Hot-Pack Only $128.00
Blueberry $11.40 $72.25
Cherry $10.00 $65.00
Cranberry Hot-Pack Only $75.50
Peach Hot-Pack Only $61.75
Pear Hot-Pack Only $74.25
Plum Hot-Pack Only $80.25
Pumpkin Hot-Pack Only $59.75
Red Raspberry Hot-Pack Only $146.50
Rhubarb Hot-Pack Only $93.50
Strawberry Hot-Pack Only $95.25


VARIETY per Gallon 5 Gal. Hot-Pack
French Concord $7.35 $51.00
Isabella/Blackberry Hot-Pack Only $87.00
Labrusca Blend $8.30 $56.00
Port Blend Hot-Pack Only $53.25
Raspberry Blush $11.75 $74.25
Rose Blend $6.40 $46.00


5 Gallon Hot-Packs for sale through our online shop.



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